Software Highlights

features you’ll like

What works best for your business?

Different businesses rely on special features to enhance their abilities and make the most of the tools at hand. Down To Earth offers many special features that our customers have come to depend on.

Our team remains dedicated to the continued improvements of Down to Earth business software. Below are just a few of the unique abilities available with our current release. For specific application highlights, link to that application information or Contact us today!

Software features include:

Accounting transactions offer inter-company transaction distributions with a complete audit trail between DTE companies.

FAX reports
Fax reports direct from within Down To Earth using the standard Microsoft Fax driver. Simply choose the fax driver as your “printer.” *

E-mail reports
E-mail a Down To Earth report as either a PDF, MS Word, HTML, or ASCII text document using readily available third party e-mail print drivers. *

Print Pre-view
Preview your report before you print to paper by using API printer definition. Search for a particular value within the displayed report.  Zoom to scale the window image then print direct from the displayed report. *

Data Export and ODBC connectivity
Utilize the Down To Earth Repository for easy export of any data file, in the most popular formats or choose complete ODBC connectivity to query data from within Excel or Crystal Reports.

Web Interface
Web connection for online customer orders and information lookup is woven into your server’s IP programming already in place.

Bar codes
Physical counts and inventory receivings are made more efficient when managing the item with hand held scanners.

Inventory item image quick link
Visual graphic images are assigned in .bmp, .jpg, or .gif  file formats matching your inventory item description.  Then display the image with the click of a button. *

Custom PO forms
Design your PO to better meet your vendors needs and make them more efficient. In turn, the improvement helps your business in managing your inventory.

Custom Invoice forms
Provide your customers with the exact information they request with customized invoice forms.

MICR check coding and Digitized signatures
Laser Accounts Payable and Payroll checks are printed on standard check stock including your logo, outlines, MICR coding, digitized signatures and you custom layout.

Custom Check formats
Enhance the Check format/stub placement options to meet various standard forms on the general market today.

Financial Statement formatting controls
Financial formatting options such as previous year comparison values, variance %/amounts, and enhanced font capabilities* provide professional reports. Print a single, specified group, or all company combined statement.

* This option only available for Windows® distributions of Down To Earth Business Software.